Ethical in IT is about “rights” and “duties” (Kallman and Grillo,1996). There are three “rights” which are “right to know”,”property right”, and “right to privacy”. The first one is about “right to know”. Right to know is about to know which extent to in using a database to access information. Secondlyis property right. To make sure our computer is being protected, we cannot misuse or abuse our computer. For example, we can protect our computer from viruses. Third is refer to right to privacy. The profesional was entrusted to protect the privacy and confidentiality of all information. Besides that, we are responsible to protect our password from being used by other people. We also are advise do not leave our confidential information on the screen without switch it off. In addition, one of the duties is confidential which is responsible to protect information from unauthorized access.
Furthermore, we can share our knowledge that we get from internet. There are many types of knowledge that we can found to sharpened our intelligent such as science, new tehcnology, new devices, current issues, economic global and so on. However, we need to smart enough to choose the right facts in order to obserb in our daily life. Besides, we can found many opinion and information by intelligence perception.
Another ethical issue is e-Learning. By using e-Learning, it convenience to us to find informations for references rather than to go to the library. We also can have lecture which there is tutor that can teach us. Besides that, we can ask question and do exercises. However, we cannot copy and paste the information from it because it considered as plagiarism.
In conclusion, people will get advantage if they use technology ethically. Suppose, in ethical condition we cannot download movies or songs. If we want it, we have to use legal way which we need to pay for it, as same as installing software. Therefore, we need be careful about free and illegal download and beware of unsolicited downloads. Other than that, for whom was defamation in libel, they can make a report to Multimedia and Information on Commision. So, the blog will be block. I want to stress that it is our responsible when we use computer. Are we gonna be use it ethically or unethically? So, think about it wisely.
*references: Using Information technology,Mc. Graw Hill,7th edition
Teaching Ethical Issues in IT, Ruth Rikowski, London South Bank University, UK.
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